
Omaha nonprofits | Destiny Cafe

January 6, 2024
January 6, 2024 Molly Zavitz

Omaha nonprofits | Destiny Cafe

Omaha nonprofit videos

Omaha nonprofits should have videos to showcase the exceptional and vital work they are bringing to the Omaha community. For all our years in business, we have done videos for large nonprofits and smaller Omaha nonprofits.  But truly is there really such a thing as a small non-profit when they have such important and epic causes? From their very nature, nonprofits fill that gap between much needed services for a certain population of our country that is undersupplied by the government. My goodness where we would be without the good work of Omaha nonprofit organizations?!

Destiny Cafe is a new up and coming nonprofit that is certain to make it’s stamp in the Omaha community. Their mission is engage those with intellectual disabilities and invite them into a culinary journey. Destiny will be a cafe with a neurodiverse team, offering a new kind of excellence. They offer inclusive training to unlock employable skills and in the future they hope to have a welcoming community space, igniting belonging in the larger community.  They will fill the gap for those with neurodivergence and intellectual disabilities who graduate high school and may not have the opportunity to further their education and gain employment.

Full disclosure… this project is close to my family and my wife, and editor for thinkMOTION, was the inaugural culinary instructor for the pilot culinary program.  The class was amazing and the determination of the students was truly infectious. In this first program they learned entry level knife skills and sanitation as well as making some amazing recipes.  And what’s next for Destiny Cafe? The next advanced classes start soon and the idea of a pop up or a dedicated cafe space is in the works.   We’re excited to see the future of Destiny Cafe and we look forward to working with this Omaha nonprofit as well as many others in the year to come. I came across a great quote by Millard Fuller, the co-founder of Habitat of Humanity that reminded of the work that Destiny Cafe is going… “For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and concern for each other.” 




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