Wingy | 1490 Boomer Radio | Omaha Commercial Photography

aaron zavitz photography & thinkMOTION

Had a great time recording a commercial spot for thinkMOTION at 1490 Boomer radio and doing a little Omaha commercial photography work for Dave Wingert. As I’m writing this, I’m listening to the Four Tops ‘Ain’t No Woman’…so good!!!!  So happy that Dave gets back to morning radio where he loves to live. This Omaha commericial photography session is going to be used as ad announcing his position back to the morning show. Great job, Dave! And looking forward to hearing the radio spot for thinkMOTION!

omaha commercial photography


Macedonian Phalanx and the Sarissa | Omaha Photography Company

I’m sure isn’t not often an omaha photography company gets to capture the infantry formation techniques of an ancient Macedonian army. Well…maybe more than I think, I don’t know. It was all phalanx and sarissa’s with the UNO History Department the other day!  thinkMOTION, we do Omaha video AND Omaha photography as well!

Here’s what wikipedia had to say about a Sarissa by the way:

The sarissa or sarisa (Greek: σάρισα) was a long spear or pike about 4–6.2 metres (13–20 ft) in length used in ancient Greek and Hellenistic warfare. It was introduced by Philip II of Macedon and was used in his Macedonian phalanxes as a replacement for the earlier dory, which was considerably shorter. These longer spears improved the traditional strength of the phalanx by extending the rows of overlapping weapons projecting towards the enemy, and the word remained in use throughout the Byzantine years to sometimes describe the long spears of their own infantry.

omaha photographyomaha photography

Bemis | company video production | thinkMOTION


Our omaha company video production mobile studio had a great time filming at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts this week.  So interesting to film such forward thinking and creative individuals. What the Bemis is offering to artists both nationally and internationally is pretty amazing and our omaha company video production studio was there to capture just a sliver of such great talent. thinkMOTON, an omaha company video production.

video production

UNO Criss Library | Video Production | thinkMOTION

Our video production crew was in full force for a quick trip to the UNO Criss Library. Interesting things are happening with KANEKO and the UNO Criss Library! Check it out this summer. Sometimes when you’re in video production and you can tune out the cameras and the lights, you find yourself immersed into a different world than you couldn’t even imagine possible. This time Dean David Richards was blowing our video production crew’s minds with the history of the dissemination of information and storytelling. So interesting.

video productionvideo productionvideo production

Video Production | GoPro Hero Black 4

Sometimes with video production you have to be inventive. Sometimes you may think you have all the right equipment and attachments and accessories, however, sometimes it happens that when you get to the set or location of your video production, that isn’t the case. Or you might have some ‘idea’ that may turn out to work or not. So much of filming I’ve found out througout the years is making it work. Making it work when your video production requires a special shot or a risky shot or just something you want to try. For this video production for Kaneko we were getting a timelapse with a GoPro Hero Black 4 where it had to hang directly above the art work. Nothing a c-stand, a flex tripod and bunge cord couldn’t solve. thinkMotion, we’re an omaha video company!!

video production

Nothing a bunge can’t solve

Omaha Video | Rain or Shine | thinkMOTION & VisionAer

Sometimes an omaha video has to happen during rain or shine, you just have to be smart…like sitting under the lift gate of your new RAV4. thinkMOTION with freelance drone company VisionAer is creating an omaha video for Renaissance Roofing, a Chicago company. Luckily the clouds disappeared and removing the steeple from the beautiful Dowd Boys Town Church went off just as planned. Great work by the team of Renaissance. thinkMOTION, an omaha video production company!

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Joe Nicholson | Company Video Production

Our company video production, thinkMOTION spent and amazing day filming the talented artist, Joe Nicholson with Joe Nicholson Studios. This omaha video production will have it’s debut for an upcoming project with KANEKO this summer. You’ll not want to miss what’s going to happen this summer at Kaneko Open Space for Your Mind.


omaha video company Omaha Video

AccuQuilt | Omaha Video Company | Video Production


Video company omaha video company

Two days bringing our thinkMOTION omaha video company on location to the headquarters of AccuQuilt. Two days and twenty one promotional demos later! Wow! Omaha video production as never been soooo much fun. Had a great time with master quilter and celebrity, Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket Quilts. This is the third year that our omaha video company has had the privilege of working with this innovative company. ‘We help you cut time. So you can quilt more.’

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