Ironworkers Local 21 | Omaha Conference Photography | thinkMOTION

omaha conference photographyomaha conference photographyomaha conference photographyomaha conference photographyomaha convention photography

Omaha convention Photography

Omaha conference photography can actually have photos with an artistic flair. Event. Convention. Conference. All of it.  There are so many reasons to have your corporate event or conference photographers. Everyone craves content. And not just any content. Your content. Your customers, or potential customers, or employees, or potential employees. They  love to see a company or association thrive and celebrate their successes. The mood and vibe of your event can be posted and shared. Used in promotional material. Recruiting. The skies the limit.  I was so honored to have taken photos of the fine people of Ironworkers 21. Originally we were acquired to make a video that celebrates all that Ironworkers have done throughout the years as well as celebrating who they are as a company. Filming the video was epic. If there is building in Omaha that you are impressed by, well, more than likely it was the Ironworkers that laid the steel and foundation of those buildings. Truly brave and heroic work and I was honored to put on steel toed shoes and a hard hat and use my tools to capture the sheer awesome work of the Ironworkers. Plus, I got to go up some pretty high places.  We got along so well that they wanted their conference and gala photographed. Such a fun night.  Omaha conference photography have never rocked so much as with this group. Man….epic.  Look for the video soon!



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Midwest Video Production | Bison Video | thinkMOTION

Midwest Film Production

ThinkMOTION loaded up their cameras.  VisionAer Cinematics their drone.  And they took their Midwest Video Production team to South Dakota.  They off roaded it to a spot indicated only by a GPS pin.  What they got was movie-worthy video footage of nature and beasts and a mud splattered SUV.

For millennia, the rugged mammoth bison swept across the Great Plains of the Midwest.  The bison, erroneously called buffalo, had all but had vanished until modern times. Many factors are to blame for this including westward expansion, farming and straight up hunting-them-to-the-point-of-extinction.

Fortunately, they are making a comeback due to dedicated ranchers, like this week’s featured client Dakota Pure.  Once again the Great Plains are alive with the thunderous herds of these native creatures.  Since it is springtime there were lots of bison babies to bring the cute.  The bison were slightly curious of the camera at first but a bit skittish when it made any moves. They were concerned about the drone, that is until the treat truck showed up.

To get the sweeping aerial shots, VisionAer Cinematics and thinkMOTION worked with the Dakota Pure rancher.  He drove his pickup truck full of their favorite mineral treats to lure the bison around the field.  The bison know this pickup contains their desirous treats and came running after it a bit like a big trained dog will sit for a biscuit.

In the process of following the truck to get a goodie, the bison created some aerial shots that looked straight out of a movie.  Natures natural actors.  The shaggy Great Plains bison also help to keep the prairie healthy.  They aerate the ground with their hooves which keeps native prairie grasses vibrant for generations to come.  It also makes it healthy for their grass-fed grazing. Which is what they do on their off time when they aren’t being movie stars being filmed by thinkMOTION Midwest Video Production.


Opera Omaha Opera to Go | Omaha Event Photography

Ninety degree weather doesn’t hold back Opera Omaha or Omaha event photography !  It’s these little events that are truly gems. Opera Omaha offers ‘Opera to Go‘ this 2021 summer, this time at Rivers Edge Park and the Omaha skyline as a backdrop. Opera to Go is an intimate chance to hear some great voices and songs that you might be unfamiliar with. However, there was a delightful piece from ‘West Side Story’ that I sung along with.  This is why I love Omaha event photography; a chance to capture something unique in a location I’ve never seen before. Great to work with Opera Omaha again, the second time in two weeks!

Opera Omaha

Kathy Ireland Worldwide | Omaha Video Companies

I’m not sure how we got hooked up with the Kathy Ireland Worldwide Business show and I don’t know if other Omaha Video Companies have produced footage for them, but we’re grateful that we’re their first choice.  This would be the third time we’ve gotten footage for the Kathy Ireland show and they topics are always varied and interesting. This time we went to Omaha’s PetIQ, a pet product company. Earlier on in the pandemic they searched for innovative way to keep their building and employees safe and found the software RichTech, a temperature monitoring software.  Interesting stuff. And once again, a shout out to Marc Longbrake for the assist!

Buffet Cancer Center | thinkMOTION | Video Production

Omaha Video Production

Sun shining, Canon C70 and amazing people – what a great day for video production! I spent the day with the blood and bone marrow transplant cancer team at the UNMC Buffet Cancer Center.   Inspiring stories of patients filmed in the magical Chihuly Sanctuary and the majestic Kaneko Tower ‘Search’. We’ve been hired to make a series of videos for incoming patients; what they can expect before treatment, more information about their diagnosis and so much more. Video production has taken two full days and looking forward to three more shoots in order to complete this massive project! Shout out to Marc Longbrake for the production assist and phone snaps. thinkMOTION | Video Production


UNMC General Surgery | Nebraska Video Production

UNMC has been a vital partner during this last year and several departments had need our Nebraska Video Production.  Since COVID had shut down the campus there was a urgent need to show prospective students across the country the unique programs that UNMC has to offer.  The General Surgery Residence program needed a video production to highlight the family-like and academic atmosphere that UNMC has to offer.  Part interview and part following the current residences around! What a great team to work with! Nebraska Video Production | thinkMOTION

re-new Institute | Omaha Corporate Videos | thinkMOTION

Re-new Institute is new to Omaha and they needed our corporate videos services to enhance their website content.  While Melissa is not new to Omaha, she recently opened a  progressive clinic that’s all about peptides. She wanted to pepper her website with introductory videos to better explain all the treatments that they offer at re-new.  For newly established corporations and businesses, Omaha corporate videos can flavor your website and introduce yourself and what your company is about and what makes you unique.  Great meeting Melissa and her husband and hope to further their brand with videos in the years to come.



Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts | Omaha Video Production | thinkMOTION

omaha video production

Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts has used our omaha video production services for several years and recently they updated their brand. Check out the front page of their website,,  to see some quick images that we’ve filmed over the years.  From concerts to art events to performance art to artists-in-residences documentaries, it’s always a intellectual experience to visually capture such a diverse collection of artists. Omaha Video Production | thinkMOTION

Results Business Advisors | Omaha Professional Headshots | thinkMOTION


omaha professional headshotsomaha business headshots

Omaha professional headshots take on many forms; outside, inside, or backdrops. Results Business Advisors wanted to get away from their more formal omaha business headshots and move on to a more casual look. So, these guys sell your business. Small business; large. It seems like they do it all. We spent the day with these guys learning about what exactly it takes to sell a business…we had no idea that it was so involved!  A little struggle with the sun that morning but the omaha professional headshots made these advisors look cool! Thanks to Marc Longbrake for the assist on the this video and photo shoot! Results Business Advisors |  thinkMOTION


Opera Omaha | Jun Kaneko Tribute | Omaha Event Photography

omaha event photographyomaha food photographyomaha event photographyomaha event photographyomaha event photographyomaha event photography

Just remembering times when omaha event photography was even possible. A time before mask. A time of social distancing. Soon, they say. Soon. In the meantime, I have fond memories of this night at the end of 2019 where my good clients Opera Omaha through a huge tribute to Jun Kaneko and his work in opera.  Amazing food was created by Guest Chef Katsu Michite Creator of restaurants in Hollywood and a chef for the stars. Chef Michite worked with my other clients Catering Creations. Man, my omaha event photography in one night took care of a three clientst: Jun Kaneko, Opera and Catering Creations.  A great evening of good food, performances and speeches. So well deserved to am amazing artist, Jun Kaneko whom I’ve been proud to do work for over the years in business.


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