Omaha Film Festival 2016 | Writer’s Theatre | Video Production Editing

thinkMOTION studios is currently being used for the Omaha Film Festival’s Writer’s Theatre, an omaha event taking place next week. So great to see how a space can transform, one second we’re doing video production editing and the next we are hosting a ‘theatre’ event.

Video Production | Lights, Makeup and Actors |thinkMOTION

omaha video production

Lights, Make Up and Actors:  Are they really necessary for making a good video production?

In sewing, a better garment is made when you press the seams. Likewise, in video, a better project is made when it is well lit and the people or actors in the video are looking their best.

Make up:   If you are going to have interviews with real people as part of your video, having a professional makeup artist, even for the men, can enhance their features and hide minor imperfections. This can go a long way to a higher quality video production.  At thinkMOTION we have teamed up with Urbane Salon and Day Spa and the talented makeup artists there!

Lights:  Lighting is a must to make any video production the highest quality.  Natural lighting can be used in some circumstances, but in most situations additional lighting is called for.  We don’t see light the same way a camera does and adding in lighting, even into a simple interview, is a way to enhance contrast and shadows, giving the visual picture and depth and interest.

omaha video


Actors:  If you are talking about your services, yourself, your company or a live event, then having someone interviewed in your company is always a safe bet. Someone who is passionate and well spoken about the services or product you are selling or offering. However,  if you want a  branded content video or commericial or a promotional video usually hiring actors ensures that your video production will be the most professionally and interesting.  Luckily, here at thinkMOTION, a video production company, and through our ties to the local theater and film community, we know a lot of actors that could the right choose for your video production.

Video Services | Omaha Video Company | thinkMOTION


video company

Entrepreneurs are innovators at heart.  If you’ve been in any business a while it’s easy to get fatigued with your brand or services.  In order to stay relevant and attract new business, you could introduce yourself or your services with a video.  Whether it’s a few amazing shots for your website video landing page, a branded content commercial, or a promotional video for your services or product, thinkMOTION, an Omaha video company, can help you get there. We put your ideas in motion. thinkMOTION, an Omaha video company.


Omaha Event Videos | Omaha Event Videography

Omaha Event Videos?

 Having a company picnic?  A dinner with presentation?  At thinkMOTION, we film many omaha event videos of all shapes and sizes!  Why? First , for archival reasons.   Show the life and personality of your business and record it for future uses.  An interesting use of an omaha event video is for social media content.  All organizations and businesses need ways to keep  Facebook ,Twitter, LinkedIn and Google + pages, populated with interesting and entertaining content. thinkMOTION specialized in making  short Omaha event videos highlighting your omaha event. Would you like something to show prospective clients, to demonstrate past services or simply tell more about who you are?  Do this through an omaha event video!   thinkMOTION has both photo and video services available for omaha events.  Whether it’s a dinner, presentation, breakfast, performance, lecture, or company outing, thinkMOTION can turn that into an omaha event video that is entertaining and effective. thinkMOTION offers special pricing for nonprofits.


Prince Max | Great Plains | Omaha Video Business

thinkMOTION, an omaha video business, was honored to provide the very first few minutes of Ellen Struve’s play ‘Prince Max’s Trewly Awful Trip to the Desolat Interior’. The idea was the first scene was filmed as the actors (as the characters) were getting ready in the Joslyn Museum dressing rooms. As they come up the elevator in the film as they open the doors they actually enter in real life on to the Witherspoon Stage during the live performance. Great illusion! We had 45 minutes to film this, a definite challenge! Great to work with our client Metropolitan Community College and Great Plains Theatre Conference. thinkMOTION, an omaha video business.

thinkMOTION Highlights | Omaha Video | Omaha Video Production

So when we say Omaha Video that encompasses a lot. Here some highlights of our omaha video production company at it’s best. Just random shots, showing the diverse projects that we like to take on. And omaha video goes beyond Omaha!!!! We travel too. thinkMOTION | omaha video production

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